Things I checked off my bucket list yesterday✅

FRIDAY, 24th of february, 2017.

As I recently became an organised person, I thought that a list of things I wanna do or visit should be written to remind me of how determined person I became lately, and to make sure I do a lot of things to attract this goals for me, even if it was visiting a place in my country or eating in a certain restaurant. So simple, yet I would just LOVE to do it. I have to admit that checking something off feels great, and you become so passionate and excited for what you’re gonna check off next on your list.

And what I checked off is: visting Zamalek, and riding an egyptian customized colourful boat called “Flouka”. 

Zamalek is one of the great places that you might ever wanna visit in egypt. Not just of how amazing it’s, but also it makes you feel like you are living in the 1960s. The old buildings, Calmness of the streets that would make you love to have a walk. old beauty salons/restaurants/boutiques, old people walking in the streets cuddling together eating ice cream & children playing with dogs under the tree that is in front of an old building that looks like a hunted building but still, the architectural design I think is what made the ghosts hunt it. It looks so beautiful that you wanna hunt it, and live in there and just scare away people to not come across because of your jealousy. I couldn’t find a better description, I promise it’s not hunted😂!

Also, the scenery there looks so calm & beautifully organised. You know this places that you just can’t drive in because It would cause lack of fun? You just have to walk! Walk walk & walk. Take pictures and then walk! 

One of the things that really annoys me tho that people calls zamalek “a europian beauty”. Why can’t they call it with its original name aka “the egyptian beauty?” You just can’t define beauty as something europian, while there is so many beautiful things existing in the arab world. And don’t get me wrong, Europe is beautiful. Amazingly beautiful and I would love to visit it one day (one of my bucket list goals tho.) but still, If I was a foreigner I would greatly fall in love with the cozy secenary I came across in Zamalek. (By the way, there were foreigners there laughing, eating ice creams, and smiling. Another scenery that I loved.)

See the calmness I’m pointing to?
Beauty of design.
Couldn’t help but take a picture of this old tree which is too long. TOO long!

As I took pictures to post it later on my blog which totally pissed of my friends because I couldn’t leave my phone (lol), but I’m too glad I took those anyways! I came across something that made me shiver, a beautiful kind of shivering.

I saw two grandparents, with their children and grandchildren siting in their garden of their Villa which was the ground floor, they looked wonderful that they left me staring. They were drinking tea, their grand children playing around. And god, this scene made me want to go and tell them how beautiful they looked but It would be too creepy. I couldn’t take their photo, but at least I dug their looks in my heart. I won’t ever forget that, that someone out there is having a beautiful time. God bless them for each other. ❤ 

As we talked and chatted and had amazing time walking, we went straightly to my another checked off thing which Is the amazing egyptian boats floating in the Nile river called “Flouka”. I just love the name. By the way, I had too many arguments with my parents to ride this because they were too scared thinking that I would fall or something. If I knew that I would have so much fun there, I would’ve literally broke out for not letting me. But thank god, they approved in the end!😓

As we were riding the boats and getting ready, I saw a scenery that broke my heart. I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. I saw a family, a whole family living upon the nile. They just have a sofa under a tent which is made beside where the boats park. (I hope my vocabulary is right for the word “park” when we talk about boats tho.)  the tent was close to the nile that if someone slept, he would just slip and fall in the nile. Can you imagine how close the tent was? I hope my country take actions soon and offer an accommodation for this people because I knew later that there were many of them living like this.

What really made my heart skip a beat that this was the captain’s home, and family. Regardless of how poor they were, they just deserve to be happy because they made us happy in return. He drove us slowly, played some really nice cheerful songs for us and actually offering us the best time of our lives. It just can’t fit in my mind how can life make someone’s living to make you happy yet they just can’t make theirselves? Ironic, isn’t it?

As we jumped in the boat, one thing that caught my eye was the yellow sofas customized with very nice colours. We left our things on the sofa, and THIS IS WERE THE FUN BEGAN. 

Unedited photo to let you see how wonderfully the nile is looking.
One of my favourite photos so far.

As we danced, took amazing pictures with my friend’s camera & sang to her happy birthday as we didn’t have the chance to celebrate. We just finished and head straight to an amazing burger place called “buffalo burger”. By the way, I’m a burger addict. I’m obsessed by burgers, they are my favourite thing to eat. Literally. The day just couldn’t get any better👻

We sat outside the shop waiting for our meals, and BAM! And they came, looking beautiful. And tasting beautiful too!
As we finished, we had a walk on corniche el-nile. We Danced, wandered and sang in our bad voices. It was fun and I truly loved it. This moments are life!

Our last destination was Al-Ahly El gezira club, located in zamalek. We sat there watching a tennis match because one of my friends is a tennis player so you can imagine how addicted she became to the game that she made us watch a match.

And then, finally, we then decided to leave and we arrived our homes after an hour and a half in the road😩. But it was worth it, everything was worth the amazing day I had.

go visit zamalek! It would refresh your soul, leaving you to think why can’t the whole country just be as calm as this place is.

4 thoughts on “Things I checked off my bucket list yesterday✅

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  1. i can’t describe how much I’m PROUD of you ya sando bgd ❤❤❤❤ what a high quality blog and those pictures omg !!! You are slowly becoming a great figure in the society bgd keep it up 🌸

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