Travelling to SLOVENIA!

30th of june 2017

This holiday before my senior year, I was granted the wish to have the most eye-opening exprience ever and travel with one of my best-friends with her parents to one of Europe’s gorgeous countries which was Slovenia and stay for three weeks! And believe me, The process of it coming true wasn’t easy at all. Having your parents’ approval was on top of it. But luckily my parents were understanding and was aware of the big changes occuring in the 21th century now, which were that there is nothing wrong when a girl travelling all alone and setting foot anywhere she likes and not waiting for her prince charming to grant her that wish.

And it was worth the effort.

Three weeks of laughter, creating memories, discovering parts of the world and knowing that stepping out of my comfort zone is one of the best things any i have ever done in my whole entire life. The world doesn’t stop at your door step, or your neighborhood or even your country! The world continues on to grow, leaving you the chance to either discover it or just sit watching amazing documentaries on lovely countries wishing you were there.

The country is such a peace of heaven. We were staying in Slovenia’s capital which is called Ljubljana. The most well known place in Slovenia that is anormously a big tourist attraction. Lots of green areas popped when we landed and got out of the airport. The smell of the country itself is still in my memory and I can smell it vividly. We hopped in the car on our first day on our way to my friend’s home, and the excitment in me couldn’t be filled in words!

Our weekdays were always shopping, and our bigger outings were in the weekends. And I didn’t object on the idea of everyday shopping, because honestly the country is such a bargain. Everything was on sale, and everything was beautiful. And yes, I lost myself buying this & that. But I returned to the thought that I have a budget I must be sticking at 😵 so I carefully bought what I really needed and loved. You almost got me ljubljana!😨

WEEK ONE.GLOVENIC TRAILS. On our second day, my friend, her sister & I, went to the forest! It was behind my friend’s place. I swear It was never like anything I’ve seen before, It was magical. We walked up to the woods and I got to see huge gigantic trees, and smell the most fresh pure air I will ever be able to smell. What made my day even more better that it was raining outside, but the trees were protecting us. So we were hearing the sound of rain pouring while we are enjoying our walk, and It was imprinted in my memory ever since😍. Forests became my absoloute obsession.

Cute picture of my friend and mine hehe❤️

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On our first outing, we went to the city center. In which all the hangouts of Slovenia citizens happen. Lots of shops, boutiques, pubs & restaurants evolved the place.  We went twice or three times I assume. The place was beautiful, full of people playing music and buskers who were amazingly preforming and It was just full of amazing vibes. And the loveliest thing ever was The love lock bridge. Then, I had the tastiest nutella hot chocolate ever. The day couldn’t get more better, really.WEEK TWO. The country’s beauty is terrific. On the week-days, probably at 5Pms, we would have a walk around the neighbourhood until I was doing nothing but capturing every inch I walked beside I have had loads of pics of plants/rivers/flowers, and yeah. This is how beautiful the country was.PIRAN CITYPiran is a coastal city in Slovenia in which its people would have their vacation there. Beaches, bars & loads of different chalets (which was lovely in their design btw). It was too sunny and it felt like switching off seeing people going in their swimsuits and enjoying the beautiful sunbathe. The weather also was excellent which added so much more beauty. We also had a seafood meal facing the sea which was too nice. (Excluding me who just sticked to beef because I’m not such a seafood fan😂)

As we finished our lunch, we decided just to stroll around the city. Entering its very narrow lanes which were sided by painters, boutiques, souvenir shops and lots of others lovely things. We walked through a long lane that was parted into two sides, one heading to St.georgio church and the bell tower and the other headed to piran city wall.

The bell tower was one of my favourite expriences although it was the scariest because we had to actually climb like more than 12 floors or something and making it even worse, it was very closed and very narrow to even climb the ladders. (They even didn’t let some enter the tower because of their overweight, this was how narrow the space was.)  But we managed to climb it, having the most lovely prize ever, seeing the beautiful Piran city on top.

(Fun fact: the last floor you have to reach is where the bell is actually there. So while we were obsessed with our surroundings having pics, the bell rang which made our earlobes almost fall.😂)
Then we headed to the city wall which was was overlooking the sea. It was like a high area above the beach that had ladders at the end of it. God, It was beautiful.

VENICE, ITALY. This was honestly my favourite part of the holiday. Not because Italy has always been on my buckey list, but for the fact that I was granted with the wish of seeing Italy’s magical city Venice.

Italy was too close to slovenia, It was probably a two hours ride to either Trieste or Venice. After preparing ourselves and cooking small meals the night before to take it with us, we finally took off. It was such a hilarious ride, we sang and did everything whilst on the car. This the perks of travelling with one of your besties, you know👍🏼😂

Venice’s only method to transport from one place to another was a sea bus which was completely out of normal and fun to experience. After reaching Venice, We headed to Venice’s airport and we booked a sea bus for 45 mins ride to take us to different places. But unfortunately, we had to stick to a time limit to explore a certain area because such buses leave early. So yes, we ran in venice. We ran in the whole city just to see The academy bridge, St.Marco’s centre and Basilica. We saw the academy bridge at first which was so crowded but we managed to take photos with venice all behind us starring the beautiful Gandolas!


is o
f the
tiful places I’ve ever been to because its as beautiful environment and breathtaking scenes any human can ever be surrounded with. I think that everybody should at least once in their life go and visit such a beautiful place full of greenery scenes and watch people cycling or spending their their times with people they love or even just simply watch people playing with the their dogs. Simplicity has always been the key.


LAKE BLED.Lake bled was one of my favourite places that I went to in my whole entire life, let alone the whole trip. It was such a piece of heaven that makes you attracted to every inch. From the beautiful calm scenes surrounding to you, the mountains and trees surrounding the place to the castle that is in the centre of the lake. Lake bled honestly was one of these places that I couldn’t stop making pictures of, but still the only place that forced me to let go of my phone and concentrate with this beautiful gorgeous place. I truly loved it!

~ And this was it. I returned back to my lovely hometown at the 21st of July. I can’t describe to you guys how much I was absolutely taken by the whole experience. I travelled all alone, saw the world, met different people with different cultures. I saw different natures, different rules and different type of environment which totally let me see things I wasn’t totally aware of my whole life.

A small blogger’s note:
asked a lot why did I stop blogging especially that I was doing well. And honestly, there’s no one to blame but myself. I was told several times in several occasions to leave blogging and start a fb page to let myself have a more wider viewers especially that the blogging community isn’t so viral here. And this was such a hard thing to decide, did I want to have my own fb page for the sake of views or stick to what people don’t really know which was blogging.I totally understood that people wanted my posts, writings and pictures to be seen. But the difference is that people write on their fb pages for the sake of views and to compete the previous posts that they forget why did they loved writing in the first place. (Of course not all of them, but it happens) and this scared me. Yes, I may want my writings to be viewed and have more than 10thK on my posts. But what is the real gain if I write to others and obviously not for myself?

I love this blog because it showed people a part of me they may not have known. Either in my talents, or the way I view my life journey. It reflects me really deeply and for that I will always be grateful that I had the ability to share my days with pictures and to be loved for it. This is for me such a heavenly feeling.

  1. I wanna thank my sister and friend (& of course her lovely fam) , Sarah, for creating with me the most amazing and loveliest memories my mind could ever comprehend that I will always talk about and never get bored of.
  2. I wanna thank my family as well for letting my gain this chance and for believing and trusting that their daughter is aware and mature enough to experience the whole world alone and be proud of her.
  3. Most importantly, I wanna thank every single person who have waited for this blog post to be published and for telling me they can’t wait enough for this blog post to be published. You know yourselves, I really love you.

SO YAS! I loved to end this year by this blog post to absolutely fuel myself again and get started for 2018 blog posts. I’m not neglecting this again because I believe in that. I believe in it way too much!


It looks like summer is here!☀️🌈


Hey guys! I just missed my blog too much and I couldn’t wait to write another blog post about the past few days that I had spent in an awesome, peaceful place.. as It is spring break and every body just wants to escape to a beautiful sunny place, and enjoy the rays of sunshine with good music and put some comfy shorts on!

So to really cut it short and to head straight to the subject, My family and I decided to travel to a place I personally love and had good memories In as a child which is Sharm El-Sheikh. One of the most popular, most visited and beautiful places in Egypt that all foreginers travel specially to from their countries to enjoy the sunny weather, good accommodation and certainly, let their eyes enjoy the beauty of nature and dive within the beauty of Red-Sea.

We booked at a beautiful hotel called Grand Rotana Resort & Spa for 3 nights, four days. We packed all of our belongings, got ready for the awesome fun and peacefulness awaiting for us. As for me, I just wanted the quiteness a lot more than fun as Everybody needs a Me-time and I was sort of deprived from it somehow. No matter how many fun people you can surround yourself with, or how awesome your life is actually, You somehow just need an off time with a good place and just have a peacful time without life interfering your quality time for once and without thinking about anyone or anything!

The road was tiring, a complete five and a half hours. I slept almost all this time but cheers to me walking up to a beautiful scene on the road, which was The chains of the Red Sea mountains that is mostly known and visited in Sinai. One of my favourite scenes ever.

And finally, We arrived at the awesome place I have been waiting for. We just didn’t wait. We checked in, put our luggages in our room that by the way -had a gorgeous view looking at the sea- and head straight to the pool. No patience, never. 😂

But as a new blogger, I just got excited for the scenes awaiting for me to capture as I just love photography way too much. So I had some quality time + me discovering the place capturing every inch. This was just for me the perfect journey.

The weather was just wonderful! It had this awesome breeze that makes you breathe from the bottom of your heart, and taking away every sorrow or pain hanging inside of you. It was sunny, yet too breezy and not humidated which was needed as I hate humidity way too much. The fun thing is that I met some Russian/Ukranian people and we chatted a bit about the weather, They just loved the weather way too much and they travelled all this way just because they wanted to actually see a sun as their country never meets sun. Which made me think that I’m somehow thankful because I don’t know If I will ever be able to bear the cold as they do or not😂! 

Beautiful hotel entrance.
The corridor to our room.
Our room sea view🌊
Feelin’ like California!🌴
Palm trees are my favourites😍
Everything was perfect. We, everyday, woke up at 7:30 AM and we headed straight to the buffet to eat our breakfasts and then go to the pool or sea. I always love breakfasts, and they just offered my favourite samples of my favourite food so choosing what to eat every morning was one hell of a strong game😂! 

The pool was too big, and too clean. And as everybody beside of me is putting on creams and sunlotions to get tans, others also read books in the sun. There was as well Animation team who offered everymorning Yoga classes, Aqua gym and some games which was way too fun and norisihing! There were also some live musicians on the pool that had played within 4 to 5 pm. (+ a Dj that played music). One of the best musicians was the Saxo-phonist. He played amazing international songs, everybody danced beside the pool. It was so refreshing, and made me want to learn saxophone! (One day🎷) 

80% of the hotel guests were lebanese, and the other 20% were Russian so this mix of cultures made me interested to meet some lebanese people and others who were russian/ukranian. I really enjoyed meeting them, it was lots of fun! 

The restaurant where buffet existed.

Beds on pool! Need them in real life tbh, lol.
Perfect Jacuzzi I have ever came across!

Every body heads to lunch at 3. Or they can head to eat snacks on the sea if they like. I, myself, went to eat sea snacks once and had my lunch at a lounge overlooking the sea. Amazing view with amazing food, what can you else want? Also there was free ice creams machine which I was totally obssesed with. To make the picture more perfect, there was another guitar player on the sea playing live music. Everything seemed perfect, I felt like infinite! (perks of being a wallflower mood: on😂) 

The sea beach was perfect. I took some amazing pictures, had an awesome quality time sitting there and also, My father, brother and I went to ride on our last day some sort of dinghy but other than rafting, this dinghy was tied to a speed boat and we shall sit on this dinghy while this boat runs with us sitting on a dinghy tied to a speed boat! We wore life jackets, and got ready for the adrenaline rush! Too much fun, but to be honest it was too scary. I screamed a lot, and we were about to fall in sea several times but fortuanetly, nothing has happened. The sea was amazing, literally had this aqua blue colour. I wished in this instant if I had a Go-pro camera to capture this moment, but that didn’t deny the fact that I somehow enjoyed the moment without blogging it. This fun activity made the vacation 100 times better! 

Life is better with an ice cream🍦

Also, you can’t just go to Sharm without getting to see the corals. Sharm has always been known by the beauty of its nature especially its red sea that everybody loves to dive in to meet the aqua creatures and see beautiful corals down there. But for my luck, the hotel made a bridge on the sea and made glass windows down your legs so you can see what is in there without having to dive which was perfect! I saw beautiful corals, jellyfish, and cool colourful fish. Everyone beside of me was loving it especially children who tried to break the window to catch those fish!😅🐡 

The hotel at night was also too lovely. After dinner which was from 6 to 10, everybody headed to a lounge called “sky” who had some live performances everyday. It may be musicians, a belly dancer or animation team dancing. All of them were talented and actually charismatic, and people sometimes stood up and shared a dance with the bally dancer! I, myself, was some sort of forced to come up and dance with the belly dancer which was embarrassing but funny to call back. The hotel also made some live shows at a small theatre they belonged and there was some chereography and stuff. I, personally enjoyed everything at night. 

And after some really amazing needed nights, we headed back again to cairo. To be honest, I never felt this sad in a while leaving a place. From this vacation, I discovered how important it actually is to spend sometime in a beautiful place.. whether it was in your country or somewhere outside your comfort zone. So to keep it short, I really had fun and never felt this peacefulness in a while. So cheers to amazing places, summer and actually the quality times everyone needs to spend!🍷

My two shattered homes.

Three years ago, I was a new student at my current school right now which is named after a nun called Fatima. I always knew that this school has always been ran by christian headmasters, teachers and mostly, filled with christian students. And at a very close point in my life, It didn’t actually mean a thing for me as I always saw and believed that nothing can make me define a person other than his ethics and attitude and not his religion, political views or even race. I always heard about how lovely christians were, especially that my mother was in an Italic sisters school, and all of her bestfriends were christians. She told me about their festive days, their fasting days and the days when did they actually pray. She told me how lovely churches are from inside, and how open minded christians are actually are and how understanding they totally become when they talk about their religion. They always radiate love, generosity and forgivness through their actions which is by the way, their moto in church. I always heard all of this things from my mother’s mouth, and they never really had importance to me until I came and saw how lovely christians were and I instantly, remembered my mother’s words. And don’t get me wrong, I never looked at them in a different way before I came to school, I just didn’t think of them deeply the way I think of them now because my friends circle never included christians and all my relationships were with muslim fellows only. And after some lovely relationships I had in my new school with christians friends, I realized that an Egyptian christian differs from any other christian you may come across, they always have their friendly ways, open hearts and always forgiving soul. It’s just an egyptian thing, it has been like that always.

I always knew that there were terrorists in my country who always tried to shed this country apart, and kill innocent civils and destroy historic places. I always knew that there are people out there that always seek to destroy humanity, and never actually give a chance to themselves to think for a split of a second why would they actually do that. I always knew that every country would have sectarian strife at some point in their history, but never imagined that It would happen in egypt one day. I always saw the beautiful emerge that happens between muslim and christians when they meet, I have sensed that in my school years, when I split my sandwiches in half to give for my christian friend or even buy them food that were specially made for their fasting. I sensed that when my christian teacher was always looking forward to seeing us the best students he might ever get to teach, not asking us what is our religion or beliefs. I sensed that when I greeted them in their festives, and when they did the same. When we sometimes chat about their religion and mine. I, most importantly, always sensed how lovely humans can actually treat each other without thinking about anything that has to do with someone’s race, view or religion espiecally in my school.

What happened yesterday was totally disgusting to be heard and watched, which was the three bombed churches in Egypt yesterday that were blown off in the palm sunday (which is a christian festival) totally sickened me. Why would someone be thrilled to celebrate one of his happiest days of his year and would get bombed the day after? Why would someone kill a little girl praying God to keep her family safe for her and otherwise? Why would you kill a whole place that is full of sincere prayers and actually innocent hearts?

My mind can’t comprehend that anymore. My mind can’t actually understand why would someone destroy any religious place just because he can’t see any other perfect religion other than his, or why would he disrespect any other human being and actually “kill” him because he is obeying God in a different way other than him. My heart can’t bear seeing anymore dead bodies distrubuted around in church emerged with blood, or a baby killed and beside him his customized beautiful palm.

I really can’t describe how much I’m annoyed of how slowly the world is turning into an awful place and people who are actually destroying the term of humanity in their dictionary. My mind can’t comprehend seeing my christian friends broken or deeply sad, and I would’t bear seeing someone of them having a relative, a friend or even an acquaintance who was killed while he was praying. And I’m not blaming somebody directly, because, I believe that people who do that are not even human beings that has actual hearts that believe in God or almighty power.

To end this, I just wish the world would become more peacful and we, stop defining people according to how they pray and what are their actual beliefs are as long as they have a beautiful heart and they radiate acts of kindness every single moment. I truely, attribute to every christian person I know and came across. And I also, attribute to every single person who was attacked just because of their different beliefs and couldn’t live happily ever after. I just wish we stop that war, and start living peacfully. And if one thing we should really destroy, is our agnorat selves that sees we are the only ones perfect and other people suck.

The last school trip..

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12th of marth, 2017.

Heyya! It has been such a long period of time since I wrote my last blog post which I’m so proud of till now. And I have recieved lots of beautiful messages telling me how lovely my blog was, which made me ten times excited to write another blog post about another beautiful place I went to in 2017. Although to be honest, I never put that place in my consideration, and it was never mentioned in my bucket list goals but, I have written it once I got back to go back there again because the amount of fun I had and beauty of the place  cannot be described Al-Hamedullilah.

Three weeks before, We’ve been told that our junior trip for this year is: Wady El-Rayan. (Wady el rayan protected area, waterfalls, special sandboarding place and Lake qaraoun). The thing about my school organisors that they never really change the places we get to go to as a school trip every year. So this was such a blessing to let us try a new place that was famous for how amazing the outdoor activites are & Also, It was the last trip we’ll ever be able to go to as they never let us go to a senior trip which sounds terrible and sad to be heard.

And here comes the day we all strived for! 12th of marth 2017. After all the plans, talks and predicitons for the trip and after one week of monthly exams that was totally terrible, The day had finally come!

All of my friends and I gathered 7:00 pm sharp at our school place in our sportive outfits that were so comfy and so needed. We all had our food, drinks, extra clothes and we were all ready to hit the road. As we rode the buses and we drove away, we all exploded in awesome fun, dance moves and terrible voices singing!

My friend zeina playing the egyptian tabla for us💁🏻🔥
The road was so tiring that I cannot put how tiring it was in words. Complete three and half hours driving from cairo to Fayoum. We have slept, ate and talked a bit in all this time. And when we almost have reached the place, the roads were really beginning to look beautiful and full of green scenes that my eyes have totally enjoyed. (Btw, Fayoum, the place where Wadi El-Rayan falls, is known for its beautiful green areas that I never knew the amount of its beauty until I saw them.) 

Couldn’t let the blog be posted without me bragging about my colourful suck bag tho😹❤

Small note: The pictures above were all taken from my bus windows, which I totally succeeded in taking them without them being blurry as the bus never stopped so good job for me👐🏻

And after one hell of a tiring travel, we have finally reached our first destination which was Wady El-Rayan protected area and waterfalls that were my favourite part in the whole trip! 

This part was all about taking photos, and after we’ve finished, comes a tour guide that knows the place well telling us that now comes the part of seeing the waterfalls. we all headed after him towards the waterfalls. And god, It was breathtaking. Literally, breathtaking. 

You can see the excitement on our faces tho💁🏻
After that, we were told by the tour guide that we’re gonna walk on the watery ground that is beside the waterfalls, I really can’t describe it but you know the upperpart where the water falls from? this is where we walked beside. Hope it’s clear now 😂! The funny thing is that It was so slippery and we had to hold hands as we walked on it. I was about to slip for several times, but what friends are for? Hahahah. After we had passed that area, we reached another waterfall but was a lot bigger that the other one. We climbed down and then we walked in the small water infront of the waterfall. We took amazing pictures, and we had a picture with the whole juniors standing down the waterfall! One of my favourite photos ever. 

Me standing on the slippery part.
As much as I hate the people photobombing the picture, but I admire the pose of that guy in the blue shirt. 🤔😂
A photo for life.

As we finished all the pictures and returned back to our destination, I came to a beautiful simple Egyptian lady from the country side selling amazing colourful simple bracelets called “Om fathy”, She was such a humble woman and actually a hilarious one. I bought 7 lovely bracelets with a customized yellow shell necklace. I wanted to take her picture because she looked so beautiful but she refused, and I told her that she really looked nice and I had to take a picture. According to her smartness, she made a win-win deal with me. Buy one necklace from her (the yellow shell one) and I shall take her picture. And good job om fathy, you won.🤦🏻‍♀️❤

Here’s an appreciation photo for this colourful tabla she was holding.
I bought the yellow one😍

We rode the buses again and we headed to our second destination which was the sandboarding area. After 10 minutes, we landed there and left our belongings in small lovely cottages and tents. And then, we were given boards that we will sandboard with. We changed our clothes, and then we all walked until we saw a large sand dune that we were about to sandboard on.

The thing about that sandboarding exprience that it was too much fun to be done and tried, but it needs someone who is willing to climb this sand dune several times withought breaking into pieces to reach the highest part where he will sandboard from and go down, this really made me shutter into pieces and was so tiring. To make mattes worse, the weather in egypt espcielly in march for now is too standstormy and too much dust in the air, imagine going to a dessert in such weather! We were all covered in sand. I almost chew sand which was totally disgusting and left me really annoyed. I sandboarded for several times and I just got tired, disgusted by how covered with sand I was and I decided to get back to the tents we were staying in. It was a new lovely exprience, but I definitely wished to have exprienced that activity in another better conditions.

The fun part of that, that my first tries were amazing, but there was this one try that I decided to have all the courage and bravery to sandboard while I’m standing up.. as all my previous tries were me sitting down. It needed lots of balance, and So when I sandboarded, I screamed because It had gone way too fast and I got scared that while I was going down I held onto my friend’s tshirt that made me rotate and fall with my face kissing the sand. It was hilarious, but too embarrassing 😩😂.  (Btw, there was someone taking pictures of us while we were sandboarding. I can’t imagine myself being pictured falling tho..)  

After all of that, we washed our faces and got rid of the sand clinging onto our clothes and then we decided to have a walk on the lake of qaroun and ride a fellouca. (a small boat). This was my favourite part too, and after that my friends and I decided to sit on the sand catching up a little bit remembering our falls, giggling about them.  Good moments are just life!

Where we sat and had our talks.

Beautiful simple men of egypt.

Note: My cap fell in the water because of air while we were in the boat. Thank god it floated, otherwise I would have said goodbye to my favourite cap. My friend rescued this by dipping his hand and getting it out.😓😪

We had our lunch, and we were announced that we will be leaving after 10 mins but before that we will have a marshemellow to taste it after putting it slightly on fire. It was a nice five minutes to be honest.🌞

After this tiring fun day, we all headed back to the buses leaving the fun and giggles we all had. We had so much fun, and did lots of new expriences that added to me lots of happiness. Two things I discovered about myself in this trip though is that, One: I love to explore and try new things. And Two: is how much I’m gonna miss my school trips and friends, and how strange it is that something so small can turn into a lifetime memory. School trips are just the best, no matter how much it gets tiring, but having fun with friends is indescribable.

Things I checked off my bucket list yesterday✅

FRIDAY, 24th of february, 2017.

As I recently became an organised person, I thought that a list of things I wanna do or visit should be written to remind me of how determined person I became lately, and to make sure I do a lot of things to attract this goals for me, even if it was visiting a place in my country or eating in a certain restaurant. So simple, yet I would just LOVE to do it. I have to admit that checking something off feels great, and you become so passionate and excited for what you’re gonna check off next on your list.

And what I checked off is: visting Zamalek, and riding an egyptian customized colourful boat called “Flouka”. 

Zamalek is one of the great places that you might ever wanna visit in egypt. Not just of how amazing it’s, but also it makes you feel like you are living in the 1960s. The old buildings, Calmness of the streets that would make you love to have a walk. old beauty salons/restaurants/boutiques, old people walking in the streets cuddling together eating ice cream & children playing with dogs under the tree that is in front of an old building that looks like a hunted building but still, the architectural design I think is what made the ghosts hunt it. It looks so beautiful that you wanna hunt it, and live in there and just scare away people to not come across because of your jealousy. I couldn’t find a better description, I promise it’s not hunted😂!

Also, the scenery there looks so calm & beautifully organised. You know this places that you just can’t drive in because It would cause lack of fun? You just have to walk! Walk walk & walk. Take pictures and then walk! 

One of the things that really annoys me tho that people calls zamalek “a europian beauty”. Why can’t they call it with its original name aka “the egyptian beauty?” You just can’t define beauty as something europian, while there is so many beautiful things existing in the arab world. And don’t get me wrong, Europe is beautiful. Amazingly beautiful and I would love to visit it one day (one of my bucket list goals tho.) but still, If I was a foreigner I would greatly fall in love with the cozy secenary I came across in Zamalek. (By the way, there were foreigners there laughing, eating ice creams, and smiling. Another scenery that I loved.)

See the calmness I’m pointing to?
Beauty of design.
Couldn’t help but take a picture of this old tree which is too long. TOO long!

As I took pictures to post it later on my blog which totally pissed of my friends because I couldn’t leave my phone (lol), but I’m too glad I took those anyways! I came across something that made me shiver, a beautiful kind of shivering.

I saw two grandparents, with their children and grandchildren siting in their garden of their Villa which was the ground floor, they looked wonderful that they left me staring. They were drinking tea, their grand children playing around. And god, this scene made me want to go and tell them how beautiful they looked but It would be too creepy. I couldn’t take their photo, but at least I dug their looks in my heart. I won’t ever forget that, that someone out there is having a beautiful time. God bless them for each other. ❤ 

As we talked and chatted and had amazing time walking, we went straightly to my another checked off thing which Is the amazing egyptian boats floating in the Nile river called “Flouka”. I just love the name. By the way, I had too many arguments with my parents to ride this because they were too scared thinking that I would fall or something. If I knew that I would have so much fun there, I would’ve literally broke out for not letting me. But thank god, they approved in the end!😓

As we were riding the boats and getting ready, I saw a scenery that broke my heart. I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. I saw a family, a whole family living upon the nile. They just have a sofa under a tent which is made beside where the boats park. (I hope my vocabulary is right for the word “park” when we talk about boats tho.)  the tent was close to the nile that if someone slept, he would just slip and fall in the nile. Can you imagine how close the tent was? I hope my country take actions soon and offer an accommodation for this people because I knew later that there were many of them living like this.

What really made my heart skip a beat that this was the captain’s home, and family. Regardless of how poor they were, they just deserve to be happy because they made us happy in return. He drove us slowly, played some really nice cheerful songs for us and actually offering us the best time of our lives. It just can’t fit in my mind how can life make someone’s living to make you happy yet they just can’t make theirselves? Ironic, isn’t it?

As we jumped in the boat, one thing that caught my eye was the yellow sofas customized with very nice colours. We left our things on the sofa, and THIS IS WERE THE FUN BEGAN. 

Unedited photo to let you see how wonderfully the nile is looking.
One of my favourite photos so far.

As we danced, took amazing pictures with my friend’s camera & sang to her happy birthday as we didn’t have the chance to celebrate. We just finished and head straight to an amazing burger place called “buffalo burger”. By the way, I’m a burger addict. I’m obsessed by burgers, they are my favourite thing to eat. Literally. The day just couldn’t get any better👻

We sat outside the shop waiting for our meals, and BAM! And they came, looking beautiful. And tasting beautiful too!
As we finished, we had a walk on corniche el-nile. We Danced, wandered and sang in our bad voices. It was fun and I truly loved it. This moments are life!

Our last destination was Al-Ahly El gezira club, located in zamalek. We sat there watching a tennis match because one of my friends is a tennis player so you can imagine how addicted she became to the game that she made us watch a match.

And then, finally, we then decided to leave and we arrived our homes after an hour and a half in the road😩. But it was worth it, everything was worth the amazing day I had.

go visit zamalek! It would refresh your soul, leaving you to think why can’t the whole country just be as calm as this place is.

A quick brief about the blogger, and the blog.

I have been writing too many things and pressing the delete button for nearly three times now. I have no clue what to say about my blog, or even about myself. This is my first blog afterall, so I guess it’s okay.. right?😔 But I can just tell you that my blog won’t be boring, at least for me. I find that this blog thing is likely to be your new apartment where you get to to express yourself through the interior designs. Bright wallpapers, or dark ones. Gothic furnitures or modern ones. Too many positive vibes hanging around the walls involving nice photos, quotes & maybe some lovely lightings.. or a complete darker vibes with no things hanging around. Just like that. And this is what excited me the most, that I would get to express myself/days through some nice decorated blog that would add to my writings skills + make me look back into what my days were like and How did I get to write about that. So, if you expect my blog to be perfectly fine, full of perfect girls, perfect photographs or perfect days.. I’m afraid i won’t meet your expectations. As I told you, I’m just a new girl arriving at your neighbourhood. So at least feel fee to come visit me, and maybe we can have a coffee and I would show you around. 👧🏾

I’m living with my two parents, and my younger brother who is five years younger than me. Family is my greatest blessing, support and backbone. They push me further, they made me the way I am. I just love them.I’m a 16 year old living in Cairo, Egypt too.

•I love all of my friends. Literally, all of them. Even the people I don’t talk to now, part of me would always be a part of them. & I’m grateful for that, always!

•My passion for writing grew when I just wanted to express my very first thoughts about how can someone be thankful abour his blessings on facebook. I was so thrilled to the point that when I clicked on the button “share”, I just felt the urge to write many more things. And this is how it all started. That “urge” thing. As years passed, I began to express my own opinions more openely through writing. Some of them were shared, others were not. And It grew my writing skills AMAZINGLY. People loved it, and I have some amazing supporters. I’m just too grateful.

•I love taking photos of random things and I’m thinking about taking photography courses. I love following people who post random shots, see their photos & just feel the vibes sink in. I promise I would fill the blog with so many photos! Customized with nice filters, cozy ones!

•I’m ambitious too. & mostly, sarcastic. I don’t consider myself nerdy but I’m trying because being a nerd is totally awesome! 

As a matter of fact too, I understand smart jokes that no one would get. So, can it count? I just consider it a trait, a very nice one actually🙄.

•I’m inspired by every little thing that has got some cozy/colourful things in it. I love watching positive films/ youtube videos, seeing positive posts/writings/pictures too.

•I lovvvveee food!! Yes, my amazing obsession and my everyday crush. I love books too. Notebooks and a nice list of films counts. 

•Coffee is my go to.

•Mostly, my main inspiration for creating this blog and to spread positivity was  inspired by my loveliest blogger/youtube “Zoella” aka Zoe sugg. The 26 british youtuber that opened my eyes for too many beautiful things that I never knew I would love one day. She just made me more determined, positive & too organised. Yes! I was the messiest person you might ever meet in the last 4 years. But at least not now, and I’m too glad I got rid of this awful trait.

•My sad/depressed side is too scary sometimes. I overthink, and I had depression in 2014. As much as I hate it, as much as I valued happiness/life goals/blessings that I never put in consideration.

•Last but not least, I’m a leo! The bossiest horoscope of all times, we are just amazing and full of ourselves. Aren’t we?😎

This is it. I just gave you a quick brief, or mostly “hints” about what my next posts would be. It would be about amazing new things I exprienced, Traits I gained, situations that affected me & I would just blog when I feel that this is worth it. That this would make somebody’s day. So I’m too thrilled for my next post that no one would read about, but at least let’s give it a try.

Here’s to new blogs, new starts & new shared journey with you guys!


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