A quick brief about the blogger, and the blog.

I have been writing too many things and pressing the delete button for nearly three times now. I have no clue what to say about my blog, or even about myself. This is my first blog afterall, so I guess it’s okay.. right?😔 But I can just tell you that my blog won’t be boring, at least for me. I find that this blog thing is likely to be your new apartment where you get to to express yourself through the interior designs. Bright wallpapers, or dark ones. Gothic furnitures or modern ones. Too many positive vibes hanging around the walls involving nice photos, quotes & maybe some lovely lightings.. or a complete darker vibes with no things hanging around. Just like that. And this is what excited me the most, that I would get to express myself/days through some nice decorated blog that would add to my writings skills + make me look back into what my days were like and How did I get to write about that. So, if you expect my blog to be perfectly fine, full of perfect girls, perfect photographs or perfect days.. I’m afraid i won’t meet your expectations. As I told you, I’m just a new girl arriving at your neighbourhood. So at least feel fee to come visit me, and maybe we can have a coffee and I would show you around. 👧🏾

I’m living with my two parents, and my younger brother who is five years younger than me. Family is my greatest blessing, support and backbone. They push me further, they made me the way I am. I just love them.I’m a 16 year old living in Cairo, Egypt too.

•I love all of my friends. Literally, all of them. Even the people I don’t talk to now, part of me would always be a part of them. & I’m grateful for that, always!

•My passion for writing grew when I just wanted to express my very first thoughts about how can someone be thankful abour his blessings on facebook. I was so thrilled to the point that when I clicked on the button “share”, I just felt the urge to write many more things. And this is how it all started. That “urge” thing. As years passed, I began to express my own opinions more openely through writing. Some of them were shared, others were not. And It grew my writing skills AMAZINGLY. People loved it, and I have some amazing supporters. I’m just too grateful.

•I love taking photos of random things and I’m thinking about taking photography courses. I love following people who post random shots, see their photos & just feel the vibes sink in. I promise I would fill the blog with so many photos! Customized with nice filters, cozy ones!

•I’m ambitious too. & mostly, sarcastic. I don’t consider myself nerdy but I’m trying because being a nerd is totally awesome! 

As a matter of fact too, I understand smart jokes that no one would get. So, can it count? I just consider it a trait, a very nice one actually🙄.

•I’m inspired by every little thing that has got some cozy/colourful things in it. I love watching positive films/ youtube videos, seeing positive posts/writings/pictures too.

•I lovvvveee food!! Yes, my amazing obsession and my everyday crush. I love books too. Notebooks and a nice list of films counts. 

•Coffee is my go to.

•Mostly, my main inspiration for creating this blog and to spread positivity was  inspired by my loveliest blogger/youtube “Zoella” aka Zoe sugg. The 26 british youtuber that opened my eyes for too many beautiful things that I never knew I would love one day. She just made me more determined, positive & too organised. Yes! I was the messiest person you might ever meet in the last 4 years. But at least not now, and I’m too glad I got rid of this awful trait.

•My sad/depressed side is too scary sometimes. I overthink, and I had depression in 2014. As much as I hate it, as much as I valued happiness/life goals/blessings that I never put in consideration.

•Last but not least, I’m a leo! The bossiest horoscope of all times, we are just amazing and full of ourselves. Aren’t we?😎

This is it. I just gave you a quick brief, or mostly “hints” about what my next posts would be. It would be about amazing new things I exprienced, Traits I gained, situations that affected me & I would just blog when I feel that this is worth it. That this would make somebody’s day. So I’m too thrilled for my next post that no one would read about, but at least let’s give it a try.

Here’s to new blogs, new starts & new shared journey with you guys!


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