Travelling to SLOVENIA!

30th of june 2017

This holiday before my senior year, I was granted the wish to have the most eye-opening exprience ever and travel with one of my best-friends with her parents to one of Europe’s gorgeous countries which was Slovenia and stay for three weeks! And believe me, The process of it coming true wasn’t easy at all. Having your parents’ approval was on top of it. But luckily my parents were understanding and was aware of the big changes occuring in the 21th century now, which were that there is nothing wrong when a girl travelling all alone and setting foot anywhere she likes and not waiting for her prince charming to grant her that wish.

And it was worth the effort.

Three weeks of laughter, creating memories, discovering parts of the world and knowing that stepping out of my comfort zone is one of the best things any i have ever done in my whole entire life. The world doesn’t stop at your door step, or your neighborhood or even your country! The world continues on to grow, leaving you the chance to either discover it or just sit watching amazing documentaries on lovely countries wishing you were there.

The country is such a peace of heaven. We were staying in Slovenia’s capital which is called Ljubljana. The most well known place in Slovenia that is anormously a big tourist attraction. Lots of green areas popped when we landed and got out of the airport. The smell of the country itself is still in my memory and I can smell it vividly. We hopped in the car on our first day on our way to my friend’s home, and the excitment in me couldn’t be filled in words!

Our weekdays were always shopping, and our bigger outings were in the weekends. And I didn’t object on the idea of everyday shopping, because honestly the country is such a bargain. Everything was on sale, and everything was beautiful. And yes, I lost myself buying this & that. But I returned to the thought that I have a budget I must be sticking at 😵 so I carefully bought what I really needed and loved. You almost got me ljubljana!😨

WEEK ONE.GLOVENIC TRAILS. On our second day, my friend, her sister & I, went to the forest! It was behind my friend’s place. I swear It was never like anything I’ve seen before, It was magical. We walked up to the woods and I got to see huge gigantic trees, and smell the most fresh pure air I will ever be able to smell. What made my day even more better that it was raining outside, but the trees were protecting us. So we were hearing the sound of rain pouring while we are enjoying our walk, and It was imprinted in my memory ever since😍. Forests became my absoloute obsession.

Cute picture of my friend and mine hehe❤️

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On our first outing, we went to the city center. In which all the hangouts of Slovenia citizens happen. Lots of shops, boutiques, pubs & restaurants evolved the place.  We went twice or three times I assume. The place was beautiful, full of people playing music and buskers who were amazingly preforming and It was just full of amazing vibes. And the loveliest thing ever was The love lock bridge. Then, I had the tastiest nutella hot chocolate ever. The day couldn’t get more better, really.WEEK TWO. The country’s beauty is terrific. On the week-days, probably at 5Pms, we would have a walk around the neighbourhood until I was doing nothing but capturing every inch I walked beside I have had loads of pics of plants/rivers/flowers, and yeah. This is how beautiful the country was.PIRAN CITYPiran is a coastal city in Slovenia in which its people would have their vacation there. Beaches, bars & loads of different chalets (which was lovely in their design btw). It was too sunny and it felt like switching off seeing people going in their swimsuits and enjoying the beautiful sunbathe. The weather also was excellent which added so much more beauty. We also had a seafood meal facing the sea which was too nice. (Excluding me who just sticked to beef because I’m not such a seafood fan😂)

As we finished our lunch, we decided just to stroll around the city. Entering its very narrow lanes which were sided by painters, boutiques, souvenir shops and lots of others lovely things. We walked through a long lane that was parted into two sides, one heading to St.georgio church and the bell tower and the other headed to piran city wall.

The bell tower was one of my favourite expriences although it was the scariest because we had to actually climb like more than 12 floors or something and making it even worse, it was very closed and very narrow to even climb the ladders. (They even didn’t let some enter the tower because of their overweight, this was how narrow the space was.)  But we managed to climb it, having the most lovely prize ever, seeing the beautiful Piran city on top.

(Fun fact: the last floor you have to reach is where the bell is actually there. So while we were obsessed with our surroundings having pics, the bell rang which made our earlobes almost fall.😂)
Then we headed to the city wall which was was overlooking the sea. It was like a high area above the beach that had ladders at the end of it. God, It was beautiful.

VENICE, ITALY. This was honestly my favourite part of the holiday. Not because Italy has always been on my buckey list, but for the fact that I was granted with the wish of seeing Italy’s magical city Venice.

Italy was too close to slovenia, It was probably a two hours ride to either Trieste or Venice. After preparing ourselves and cooking small meals the night before to take it with us, we finally took off. It was such a hilarious ride, we sang and did everything whilst on the car. This the perks of travelling with one of your besties, you know👍🏼😂

Venice’s only method to transport from one place to another was a sea bus which was completely out of normal and fun to experience. After reaching Venice, We headed to Venice’s airport and we booked a sea bus for 45 mins ride to take us to different places. But unfortunately, we had to stick to a time limit to explore a certain area because such buses leave early. So yes, we ran in venice. We ran in the whole city just to see The academy bridge, St.Marco’s centre and Basilica. We saw the academy bridge at first which was so crowded but we managed to take photos with venice all behind us starring the beautiful Gandolas!


is o
f the
tiful places I’ve ever been to because its as beautiful environment and breathtaking scenes any human can ever be surrounded with. I think that everybody should at least once in their life go and visit such a beautiful place full of greenery scenes and watch people cycling or spending their their times with people they love or even just simply watch people playing with the their dogs. Simplicity has always been the key.


LAKE BLED.Lake bled was one of my favourite places that I went to in my whole entire life, let alone the whole trip. It was such a piece of heaven that makes you attracted to every inch. From the beautiful calm scenes surrounding to you, the mountains and trees surrounding the place to the castle that is in the centre of the lake. Lake bled honestly was one of these places that I couldn’t stop making pictures of, but still the only place that forced me to let go of my phone and concentrate with this beautiful gorgeous place. I truly loved it!

~ And this was it. I returned back to my lovely hometown at the 21st of July. I can’t describe to you guys how much I was absolutely taken by the whole experience. I travelled all alone, saw the world, met different people with different cultures. I saw different natures, different rules and different type of environment which totally let me see things I wasn’t totally aware of my whole life.

A small blogger’s note:
asked a lot why did I stop blogging especially that I was doing well. And honestly, there’s no one to blame but myself. I was told several times in several occasions to leave blogging and start a fb page to let myself have a more wider viewers especially that the blogging community isn’t so viral here. And this was such a hard thing to decide, did I want to have my own fb page for the sake of views or stick to what people don’t really know which was blogging.I totally understood that people wanted my posts, writings and pictures to be seen. But the difference is that people write on their fb pages for the sake of views and to compete the previous posts that they forget why did they loved writing in the first place. (Of course not all of them, but it happens) and this scared me. Yes, I may want my writings to be viewed and have more than 10thK on my posts. But what is the real gain if I write to others and obviously not for myself?

I love this blog because it showed people a part of me they may not have known. Either in my talents, or the way I view my life journey. It reflects me really deeply and for that I will always be grateful that I had the ability to share my days with pictures and to be loved for it. This is for me such a heavenly feeling.

  1. I wanna thank my sister and friend (& of course her lovely fam) , Sarah, for creating with me the most amazing and loveliest memories my mind could ever comprehend that I will always talk about and never get bored of.
  2. I wanna thank my family as well for letting my gain this chance and for believing and trusting that their daughter is aware and mature enough to experience the whole world alone and be proud of her.
  3. Most importantly, I wanna thank every single person who have waited for this blog post to be published and for telling me they can’t wait enough for this blog post to be published. You know yourselves, I really love you.

SO YAS! I loved to end this year by this blog post to absolutely fuel myself again and get started for 2018 blog posts. I’m not neglecting this again because I believe in that. I believe in it way too much!


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