My two shattered homes.

Three years ago, I was a new student at my current school right now which is named after a nun called Fatima. I always knew that this school has always been ran by christian headmasters, teachers and mostly, filled with christian students. And at a very close point in my life, It didn’t actually mean a thing for me as I always saw and believed that nothing can make me define a person other than his ethics and attitude and not his religion, political views or even race. I always heard about how lovely christians were, especially that my mother was in an Italic sisters school, and all of her bestfriends were christians. She told me about their festive days, their fasting days and the days when did they actually pray. She told me how lovely churches are from inside, and how open minded christians are actually are and how understanding they totally become when they talk about their religion. They always radiate love, generosity and forgivness through their actions which is by the way, their moto in church. I always heard all of this things from my mother’s mouth, and they never really had importance to me until I came and saw how lovely christians were and I instantly, remembered my mother’s words. And don’t get me wrong, I never looked at them in a different way before I came to school, I just didn’t think of them deeply the way I think of them now because my friends circle never included christians and all my relationships were with muslim fellows only. And after some lovely relationships I had in my new school with christians friends, I realized that an Egyptian christian differs from any other christian you may come across, they always have their friendly ways, open hearts and always forgiving soul. It’s just an egyptian thing, it has been like that always.

I always knew that there were terrorists in my country who always tried to shed this country apart, and kill innocent civils and destroy historic places. I always knew that there are people out there that always seek to destroy humanity, and never actually give a chance to themselves to think for a split of a second why would they actually do that. I always knew that every country would have sectarian strife at some point in their history, but never imagined that It would happen in egypt one day. I always saw the beautiful emerge that happens between muslim and christians when they meet, I have sensed that in my school years, when I split my sandwiches in half to give for my christian friend or even buy them food that were specially made for their fasting. I sensed that when my christian teacher was always looking forward to seeing us the best students he might ever get to teach, not asking us what is our religion or beliefs. I sensed that when I greeted them in their festives, and when they did the same. When we sometimes chat about their religion and mine. I, most importantly, always sensed how lovely humans can actually treat each other without thinking about anything that has to do with someone’s race, view or religion espiecally in my school.

What happened yesterday was totally disgusting to be heard and watched, which was the three bombed churches in Egypt yesterday that were blown off in the palm sunday (which is a christian festival) totally sickened me. Why would someone be thrilled to celebrate one of his happiest days of his year and would get bombed the day after? Why would someone kill a little girl praying God to keep her family safe for her and otherwise? Why would you kill a whole place that is full of sincere prayers and actually innocent hearts?

My mind can’t comprehend that anymore. My mind can’t actually understand why would someone destroy any religious place just because he can’t see any other perfect religion other than his, or why would he disrespect any other human being and actually “kill” him because he is obeying God in a different way other than him. My heart can’t bear seeing anymore dead bodies distrubuted around in church emerged with blood, or a baby killed and beside him his customized beautiful palm.

I really can’t describe how much I’m annoyed of how slowly the world is turning into an awful place and people who are actually destroying the term of humanity in their dictionary. My mind can’t comprehend seeing my christian friends broken or deeply sad, and I would’t bear seeing someone of them having a relative, a friend or even an acquaintance who was killed while he was praying. And I’m not blaming somebody directly, because, I believe that people who do that are not even human beings that has actual hearts that believe in God or almighty power.

To end this, I just wish the world would become more peacful and we, stop defining people according to how they pray and what are their actual beliefs are as long as they have a beautiful heart and they radiate acts of kindness every single moment. I truely, attribute to every christian person I know and came across. And I also, attribute to every single person who was attacked just because of their different beliefs and couldn’t live happily ever after. I just wish we stop that war, and start living peacfully. And if one thing we should really destroy, is our agnorat selves that sees we are the only ones perfect and other people suck.

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