The last school trip..

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12th of marth, 2017.

Heyya! It has been such a long period of time since I wrote my last blog post which I’m so proud of till now. And I have recieved lots of beautiful messages telling me how lovely my blog was, which made me ten times excited to write another blog post about another beautiful place I went to in 2017. Although to be honest, I never put that place in my consideration, and it was never mentioned in my bucket list goals but, I have written it once I got back to go back there again because the amount of fun I had and beauty of the place  cannot be described Al-Hamedullilah.

Three weeks before, We’ve been told that our junior trip for this year is: Wady El-Rayan. (Wady el rayan protected area, waterfalls, special sandboarding place and Lake qaraoun). The thing about my school organisors that they never really change the places we get to go to as a school trip every year. So this was such a blessing to let us try a new place that was famous for how amazing the outdoor activites are & Also, It was the last trip we’ll ever be able to go to as they never let us go to a senior trip which sounds terrible and sad to be heard.

And here comes the day we all strived for! 12th of marth 2017. After all the plans, talks and predicitons for the trip and after one week of monthly exams that was totally terrible, The day had finally come!

All of my friends and I gathered 7:00 pm sharp at our school place in our sportive outfits that were so comfy and so needed. We all had our food, drinks, extra clothes and we were all ready to hit the road. As we rode the buses and we drove away, we all exploded in awesome fun, dance moves and terrible voices singing!

My friend zeina playing the egyptian tabla for us💁🏻🔥
The road was so tiring that I cannot put how tiring it was in words. Complete three and half hours driving from cairo to Fayoum. We have slept, ate and talked a bit in all this time. And when we almost have reached the place, the roads were really beginning to look beautiful and full of green scenes that my eyes have totally enjoyed. (Btw, Fayoum, the place where Wadi El-Rayan falls, is known for its beautiful green areas that I never knew the amount of its beauty until I saw them.) 

Couldn’t let the blog be posted without me bragging about my colourful suck bag tho😹❤

Small note: The pictures above were all taken from my bus windows, which I totally succeeded in taking them without them being blurry as the bus never stopped so good job for me👐🏻

And after one hell of a tiring travel, we have finally reached our first destination which was Wady El-Rayan protected area and waterfalls that were my favourite part in the whole trip! 

This part was all about taking photos, and after we’ve finished, comes a tour guide that knows the place well telling us that now comes the part of seeing the waterfalls. we all headed after him towards the waterfalls. And god, It was breathtaking. Literally, breathtaking. 

You can see the excitement on our faces tho💁🏻
After that, we were told by the tour guide that we’re gonna walk on the watery ground that is beside the waterfalls, I really can’t describe it but you know the upperpart where the water falls from? this is where we walked beside. Hope it’s clear now 😂! The funny thing is that It was so slippery and we had to hold hands as we walked on it. I was about to slip for several times, but what friends are for? Hahahah. After we had passed that area, we reached another waterfall but was a lot bigger that the other one. We climbed down and then we walked in the small water infront of the waterfall. We took amazing pictures, and we had a picture with the whole juniors standing down the waterfall! One of my favourite photos ever. 

Me standing on the slippery part.
As much as I hate the people photobombing the picture, but I admire the pose of that guy in the blue shirt. 🤔😂
A photo for life.

As we finished all the pictures and returned back to our destination, I came to a beautiful simple Egyptian lady from the country side selling amazing colourful simple bracelets called “Om fathy”, She was such a humble woman and actually a hilarious one. I bought 7 lovely bracelets with a customized yellow shell necklace. I wanted to take her picture because she looked so beautiful but she refused, and I told her that she really looked nice and I had to take a picture. According to her smartness, she made a win-win deal with me. Buy one necklace from her (the yellow shell one) and I shall take her picture. And good job om fathy, you won.🤦🏻‍♀️❤

Here’s an appreciation photo for this colourful tabla she was holding.
I bought the yellow one😍

We rode the buses again and we headed to our second destination which was the sandboarding area. After 10 minutes, we landed there and left our belongings in small lovely cottages and tents. And then, we were given boards that we will sandboard with. We changed our clothes, and then we all walked until we saw a large sand dune that we were about to sandboard on.

The thing about that sandboarding exprience that it was too much fun to be done and tried, but it needs someone who is willing to climb this sand dune several times withought breaking into pieces to reach the highest part where he will sandboard from and go down, this really made me shutter into pieces and was so tiring. To make mattes worse, the weather in egypt espcielly in march for now is too standstormy and too much dust in the air, imagine going to a dessert in such weather! We were all covered in sand. I almost chew sand which was totally disgusting and left me really annoyed. I sandboarded for several times and I just got tired, disgusted by how covered with sand I was and I decided to get back to the tents we were staying in. It was a new lovely exprience, but I definitely wished to have exprienced that activity in another better conditions.

The fun part of that, that my first tries were amazing, but there was this one try that I decided to have all the courage and bravery to sandboard while I’m standing up.. as all my previous tries were me sitting down. It needed lots of balance, and So when I sandboarded, I screamed because It had gone way too fast and I got scared that while I was going down I held onto my friend’s tshirt that made me rotate and fall with my face kissing the sand. It was hilarious, but too embarrassing 😩😂.  (Btw, there was someone taking pictures of us while we were sandboarding. I can’t imagine myself being pictured falling tho..)  

After all of that, we washed our faces and got rid of the sand clinging onto our clothes and then we decided to have a walk on the lake of qaroun and ride a fellouca. (a small boat). This was my favourite part too, and after that my friends and I decided to sit on the sand catching up a little bit remembering our falls, giggling about them.  Good moments are just life!

Where we sat and had our talks.

Beautiful simple men of egypt.

Note: My cap fell in the water because of air while we were in the boat. Thank god it floated, otherwise I would have said goodbye to my favourite cap. My friend rescued this by dipping his hand and getting it out.😓😪

We had our lunch, and we were announced that we will be leaving after 10 mins but before that we will have a marshemellow to taste it after putting it slightly on fire. It was a nice five minutes to be honest.🌞

After this tiring fun day, we all headed back to the buses leaving the fun and giggles we all had. We had so much fun, and did lots of new expriences that added to me lots of happiness. Two things I discovered about myself in this trip though is that, One: I love to explore and try new things. And Two: is how much I’m gonna miss my school trips and friends, and how strange it is that something so small can turn into a lifetime memory. School trips are just the best, no matter how much it gets tiring, but having fun with friends is indescribable.

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